Copper Pipe
Aviva Metals sustains an inventory of C12200 copper pipe per ASTM B42. C12200 DHP is 99.90 percent commercially pure copper and is deoxidized with phosphorus, leaving fairly high residual phosphorus content. Copper alloy C12200 is not inclined to hydrogen embrittlement, but has rather low electrical conductivity due to the amount of phosphorous content. We additionally inventory C10200 (OFHC) copper bus pipe. C10200 copper is 99.95 percent pure copper and contains no oxygen. Copper alloy C10200 provides high electrical and thermal conductivity and very high resistance to hydrogen embrittlement.
Copper Pipe Product Selection
Cu OF - Cu C1 ...
Cu ETP - Cu A1...
C12200 PHOSPHO...
CuNi10Fe1Mn - ...
CuNi30Fe1Mn - ...
- Barre
- Pipes
- Feuillards / Planches / Plaques
- Tube
- Fil / Fil machine
- Profilé